Monday, February 15, 2010
"Maulid"is derived from the Arabic root word meaning to give birth. Contemporary usage refers to the observance of the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad.
"Maulid" falls in the 12th of Rabi'al Awwal, meaning the early spring, the third month of Hijriah, in the Islamic calender.
The history: The early celebrations included animal sacrification, processions and celebratory feast, presentation of sermons and recitation of Al Qur'an. Though there is no evidence to indicate the reason for the adoption, some theorize the celebration took hold to counter Christian influence.
Islamic scholars are divided on whether observing "maulid" is necessary or permissible in Islam.
1. Approval of the observance. Hadith where Prophet Muhammad recommended fasting on Mondays, the day he was born, the day of Prophecy descended on him and also the day of commemorating Prophet Muhammad birthday. Most accept that it is praiseworthy as long as it is not against "shariah" or Islamic law.
2. Bid'ah and forbid its celebration. Although all agree that the birthday of Prophet Muhammad was the most significant event in Islamic history,they point out that the companions of Prophet Muhammad and the next generation of Muslims did not observe this event. Further more Prophet Muhammad did not observe the birth anniversaries of his family and loved ones, including his first wife, Khadijah binte Khuwailid or his followers.
Conclusion: To mark the anniversary, to express our love to our beloved Prophet, not only on the 12th of Rabi'ul Awwal but any moment. Not only performing processions and celebratory feast, listening to religious talk and "Selawat" but follow exactly his "Sunnah" Anyhow it is praiseworthy and the best alternative rather than to celebrate other occasion or holidays from the unknown or against our religious rite such as The Valentine's Day or April Fool.
Thank you.
Shukran wa Jazilan.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
St. Valentine's Day.
St. Valentine's Day is not our culture or
Hari Kekasih bukan budaya kita
The annual holiday that falls on every 14th of February. The day of celebrating love and affection between intimate companions. It was named after a priest, Valentine or Valentino, believed to be martyrs. The day was then established by Pope Gelasius I in 496 A.D.
The legend contends. Valentine who served during third century in Rome during the reign of Emperor Claudius II to spread Christianity based on intimate love. The Emperor decided single man made better soldier than those with wives and families, he outlawed marriage for young man -- his crop of potential. Valentine realizing the injustice of the decree, defied Claudius and continued to perform marriages for young lovers in secret. When Valentine action were discovered Claudius ordered that he to be put to death.
Traditionally lovers express their love each other by presenting flowers, offering confectionery and sending greeting cards.
In modern time the present symbols the heart shape outline, doves, winged Cupid and commercialized greeting cards.
For the Muslims, it is absurd to celebrate the day. The Majlis Fatwa Kebangsaan has ruled it out to be forbidden or 'Haram' or to be ruled out to be Muslim. Why have to wait this particular day to express love to companions? Ooo Good Muslims! Stay away from celebrating the day and let's devote to Allah the Almighty. Aaamin.
Education is the process by which one's mind develops through learning at school, college, or university or the knowledge and skills that one's gain from being taught. It is time consuming and patience as well but worthwhile.
Roses are gorgeous, scent but thorny.
By my observation I can categorize the pursuers or persons into three:
1. Problem persons see only the thorns, to them education is painful and less important.
2. Good persons see both thorns and the roses, to them education is painful but significant and should be careful to gain it.
3. Wise persons see only the roses but know the presence of the thorns, to them education is indispensable and the thorns to make them wiser.
Thank you
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
On the 2nd of Feb. 2010 centred in the School's prayer hall(surau) The Islamic Religious Society SMK Pak Badol headed by Ustazah Rozana Othman assisted by some students ran the programme. The main target are the students of 3P3, 3P4 dan 3P5. It have been found that majority of the targeted students needed a thorough guidance.