Tuesday, May 19, 2009


The famous island of Bali.

Balinese cultural troupe performing the Barong Dance
or  teater of their famous epic

On the 8th - 11th of Mei 2009, my spouse and I joined an excursion to the tourist famous island of Bali. Indonesia. It was organized by PKPSM Kelantan. The SoCalled is due to countless temples of various size and age and could be easily seen on every corner of the Balinese soil. Besides that the island is also called "The island of thousands gods" because of countless and various statues and ancient sculptures to mark the influence of Hinduism. The statues are said to be the important figures in the Ramayana Epic.

The island lies to the east of Java island, approximately 5200 sq. km and inhabited by 3.2 million people, 85% preach the ancient Bali Hinduism and performing their own religious rites, beliefs, culture, arts and dances.

The above photo shows the local cultural troupe casting the "tarian Barong and Kris" to tourists. This an hour length dance or the short drama reveals The Good overpowered the Evil.

My spouse besides the statue of one

of the famous Ramayana Epic's heroes

By the island most famous Kuta Beach

At the main entrance of the Souvenir Market

Denpasar, Bali (above). Watch the extremely fine carving in the background.
Watching the preachers performing their religious rites in one of the numerous temples(below)
The cultural dance in the background(far below)

    Balinese Hindu preachers worshipping
    in one of the numerous temples 
Balinese traditional dance greeting the visitors


  1. saya nk cadangkan satu tempat yang agak menarik untuk ckgu melawat.. taman tamadun Islam..
    ini hanya cadangan je..

  2. Thank you 4d suggestion. It is only a replica,i've been there and have visited the countries of the real location. Congratulations on choosing teacher as yr career and enjoy it.

  3. Cikgu,

    Saya tka suka Bali, sb di Uluwatu monyet tu ragut cermin mata saya. Lepas tu ada budak lelaki dtg minta drpd monyet tu, monyet tu buang ke belakang tembok - nasib baik tak jatuh ke laut.

    Kekadang rasa macam dah di rancang2 pulak supaya monyet tu buat begitu, sb saya dipaksa berikan ganjaran kpd budak tu - bukan secara ikhlas, sb jumlahnya sudah ditetapkan. saya dah lupa berapa...

    BTW, saya baru balik dari Andalusia :-)
    Blog saya di www.mama.nuraina.com

  4. Saya pun begitu, it's the 1st n the last. Kalu tokgi tok tau. During my excursion nothing strange happened. Pity the Balinese, we're from same race and root but....(I think U know)
